Start a Chapter

Start a Chapter

Get involved!

Looking to make a positive impact on our planet? Interested in exploring state-of-the-art technology? You can do those things and so much more by starting a CSS chapter in your school!

What you'll get

 Our tech package includes the Raspberry Pi – a single-board computer optimized for education, as well as access to the SensoryAI environmental platform.

We will provide comprehensive training on the SensoryAI platform and associated technology, as well as full documentation. Members will be empowered to build on our existing technology in order to create their own innovative solutions.

 Ongoing mentorship and guidance from the CSS’s central committee and experts in the STEM and climate change arenas.

Access to CSS-branded promotional items and resources to help market your chapter and its events.

Join us!

Reach out to us to learn more about our guidelines, the process of starting a chapter, and how you can make a difference in your community and the world.